
The 3 C's to Establishing Recruitment Leadership

Steve Lowisz

When it comes to your relationship with a hiring manager, you’ve got to position yourself as a leader in recruitment. You want to be someone whose judgement they can trust.

To break down your efforts into 3 simple steps, use the 3 C’s:

·       Consult

·       Communicate

·       Coach

So, how can we use the 3 C’s to strengthen your credibility and show off your expertise?

1.   Consult

In order to effectively consult with a hiring manager, there are 3 key actions you’ll want to master: clarify, question, and counsel.

When a hiring manager lists the skills, experience, and educational requirements for a role, clarify by asking them to rank items in order of preference. This will help to avoid the list getting out of hand.

Always question why items are on the must-have list for a candidate. Let’s say one requirement is ten years of experience. Although ten years is a significant amount of time, you’ll want to question what why it’s a requirement. What specifically has someone learned in ten years, that someone with eight years’ experience hasn’t? Experience doesn’t necessarily equal skill.

Finally, counsel the hiring manager on why it’s important to plan a strategy together. In order to find the best candidates, you’ll both need to be on the same page every step of the way. Discuss where you plan to find candidates. Confirm a regular meeting schedule with each other as you move forward in the recruiting process.

2.   Communicate

One of the most common problems between recruiters and hiring managers is that they don’t know how to communicate in each other’s terms. Both are focused on opposite sides of the same coin.

A recruiter’s world is all about learning the ins and outs of what’s needed for a role, finding candidates, and filling requisitions. A hiring manager’s world is all about revenue, profitability, efficiency, cost of an open role, and coordinating with their HR team.

As the recruiter, you need to communicate in a way that bridges the gap between both worlds and allows you both to see eye-to-eye. Educate yourself on the concerns of a hiring manager and integrate terms that are relevant to them into your own dialogue. Keep it real by being honest and diligent when setting project expectations and delivering results. Don’t make promises you can’t keep.

3.   Coach

When working in an industry that is centered around people, nothing is a guarantee. There are times when awesome, promising candidates unexpectedly miss interviews, tank interviews, or decline offers. This can leave both recruiter and hiring manager wondering where the other person went wrong.

If something goes south during a project, you’ve got to stand your ground as a recruiting leader and coach through any problem that may arise. A great coach isn’t afraid to unpack a negative situation and shift it into a positive growing experience.

Stick to the facts. The first reaction to a crisis should never be an emotional one. Steer clear of pointing fingers and blaming each other for unfortunate circumstances. Stay objective by laying out the facts before you do anything else.

After the facts are established, you should acknowledge and empathize with the frustration and disappointment that the hiring manager must feel. However, avoid apologizing for circumstances that are beyond your control. The final focus should be moving forward. Ask the hiring manager, “based on the facts about where we stand, what is our end goal?” Decide together what the best course of action will be to reach that goal.

The Takeaway…

Consult, communicate, and coach your way into the hearts of hiring managers! 

Put the 3 C’s into action in order to give hiring managers the opportunity to recognize you for the recruitment leader you are. These 3 steps will help you to develop harmonious relationships and will result in dedicated clients that come to you whenever they have recruitment needs!